Where Knowledge Inspires Transformation

The faculty and staff of Butler Libraries work to advance the academic mission of the University by providing expertise, resources, and services that stimulate learning. We support teaching and scholarship, promote the ethical use and creation of information, and preserve the intellectual heritage and history of Butler University.

But we also aim to be a space for curiosity and fun. Your gifts support our central mission as well as our programming and events which try to add a little something special to the on campus experience. In 2024 we hosted panel discussions on book banning and food justice, a karaoke night for first year students during move-in weekend, a beer stop on this year’s alumni Bulldog Crawl, and a Butler history tour of our Archives during Family Weekend. We also continued our traditional finals week fun with free snacks, pizza and therapy dogs. We also had a lot of fun in May hosting the unlocked challenge from 2024’s Day of Giving….


Featured Library Challenge:

We at Butler Libraries have long discouraged jumping in the Irwin fountain for a variety of reasons, but we made a compromise in the spirit of Day of Giving last year, and the Class of 2024 became the first to have an approved Irwin fountain photo. We hosted an all-day event on May 9, 2024, and even Butler Blue came by to have his picture taken in the Irwin fountain!

It was a successful day (since we had enough towels and mats) so we will offer this challenge again for the Class of 2025: if Butler Libraries receives at least 50 gifts across Day of Giving 2025, we will host an event at Irwin ahead of Commencement Weekend in May where you can have your graduation photos taken in the Irwin fountain. Library staff and faculty will volunteer to monitor the event and keep everyone safe -  if the Butler community can come through on Day of Giving to unlock this special event! 

Make your mark! Good Dawgs give back!
If Butler University receives 1,855 gifts on Day of Giving, $100,000 will be unlocked in support of the Butler Fund for Student Scholarship. These dollars will provide vital financial aid to help students pursue their dreams at Butler. Make your mark today and help unlock opportunities for Butler students!
1,855 Gift Goal
Starts in
Campus Leaderboard Challenge
See which areas of campus are excelling on Butler Day of Giving!
Area of Campus (18)
LAS Faculty/Staff Challenge
Dean Howard is challenging all LAS faculty and staff! If 100 LAS faculty and staff make a gift on Day of Giving, in any amount to any area, $2,500 will be unlocked for the LAS Dean's Priority Needs Fund. The LAS Dean’s Priority Needs Fund supports students and faculty in the College by funding initiatives such as student travel to conferences, research software and equipment, and course development or revision.
100 Donor Goal
Starts in
Irwin Fountain Jumping Challenge
We at Butler Libraries have long discouraged jumping in the Irwin fountain for a variety of reasons, but we offer a compromise in the spirit of Day of Giving for the benefit of the Class of 2025: if Butler Libraries receives at least 50 gifts across Day of Giving 2025, we will host an event at Irwin ahead of Commencement Weekend in May where you can have your graduation photos taken in the Irwin fountain. Library staff and faculty will volunteer to monitor the event and keep everyone safe - if the Butler community can come through on Day of Giving to unlock this special event!
Rank State Gifts
1 IN 1
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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