You can still make an impact on Butler students!
Student Disability Services
Student Disability Services

The Student Disability Services Office (SDS) started with just 25 students in 1997. As of December 2024, SDS had grown to serve 734 Butler students with disabilities (and counting!). That represents around 13% of the total student population, making students with disabilities one of the largest diverse populations on campus!


Our mission is to ensure that every student with a disability has equal access to a college education; SDS is committed to accessibility. We work with students individually to ensure that the supports they receive provide equal access to their education in a way that acknowledge their specific needs.

SDS supports disability as an aspect of diversity in a myriad of ways for Butler students, faculty, and staff, including:

  • running a bustling testing center for students with exam accommodations
  • providing assistive technology tools and software for students with specific needs
  • working to improve the accessibility of campus, including both the digital and physical spaces
  • working one-on-one with students who need support with self-advocacy or transition into college
  • collaborating with ability-related student organizations on campus to support the advocacy side of accessibility
  • facilitating disability awareness programming across campus


Opportunities for Support

SDS strives to provide a comfortable, stress-free space for students to take accommodated exams, and with over 700 students, that space can get dated and worn over time.

Last year, Day of Giving funds helped us start sprucing up our space through the purchase of new, more comfortable chairs for our students to use in the SDS Testing Center!


This year, we hope to continue revitalizing our space by replacing the very old carpeting in the SDS Testing Center where students take their accommodated exams.

We also plan to begin work on the creation of a pre-orientation program for students with disabilities. This could allow those students to move onto campus a few days earlier in August and give them the opportunity to work directly with SDS staff to orient to campus and navigating the transition to college.  

SDS provides various assistive technology and software tools, including text to speech software for those with learning disabilities. These technologies have allowed students to access their reading materials and improve their academic outcomes, and we hope to expand the number of SDS students who have access to this software.


Student Reflections on SDS as part of their Butler journey:


  •  Jennah Worthington ’23, Allan Schneider ’22, Hannah Stigter ‘22


Jennah Worthington ’23: ‘With SDS, I was able to complete exams feeling much more relaxed and confidence in my answers, since I did not need to rush.”

Allan Schneider ’22: “None of [the success he achieved in his psychology program] would have been possible without [the] SDS office who were always there to help and provide a comfortable and safe atmosphere for all students.”

Hannah Stigter ’22: “By having the accommodations that I had, I was able to successfully apply study techniques and feel like I was set up for success in each of my classes.”

Visit our SDS Alumni Page to learn more about where these graduates are in their career journeys today as well as to read more alumni stories.

Make your mark! Good Dawgs give back!
We did it Dawgs! Thanks to your generosity we were able to unlock $100,000 towards student scholarships. Thank you to Ken Massaroni '83 and Lori Ziemba '82 for helping to fund this challenge.
1,855 / 1,855 Gifts
Campus Leaderboard Challenge
See which areas of campus are excelling on Butler Day of Giving!
Rank Area of Campus Gifts
1 Athletics 1,082
2 College of Communication 347
3 Lacy School of Business 262
4 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 150
5 Butler Blue IV 122
Graduating Class Leaderboard
See which Butler graduating class will have the highest participation on Day of Giving!
Preferred Class Year
Rank Answer Donors
1 2014 19
2 2024 19
3 1990 17
4 2009 15
5 2002 15
6 2017 15
7 2013 15
8 2008 14
9 1988 14
10 1993 13
11 2005 13
12 2021 12
13 2022 11
14 2016 11
15 1997 11
LAS Faculty/Staff Challenge
We did it! Thanks to the generosity of 100+ LAS faculty and staff, we have unlocked $2,500 for the LAS Dean’s Priority Needs Fund. A special thank you to Dean Howard for inspring this challenge and to every faculty member who participated.
See who supports Butler!
Which Butler University affiliates are making the largest impact on Day of Giving?
Relationship to Butler
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumnus/a 625
2 Friend 551
3 Faculty/Staff 400
4 Current or Past Parent 358
5 Student 238
Rank State Gifts
1 IN 21
2 IL 1
2 TN 1
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