You can still make an impact on Butler students!


Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

LGBTQ+ Alumni Association Challenge
Thanks to our amazing Butler community, we did it! Every dollar given to the LGBTQ+ Alumni Association Promotion of Diversity Scholarship has been matched dollar for dollar—unlocking the full $2,500 match from the LGBTQ+ Alumni Association Steering Committee!
$2,500 MATCHED
LSB Dean's Priority Needs Fund Challenge
We did it! Thanks to your support and Dean Caldwell's generous dollar-for-dollar match, we've unlocked an additional $2,000 for the LSB Dean's Priority Needs Fund! Thank you to everyone who participated!
$2,000 MATCHED
COPHS Dean's Matching Challenge
Challenge Met! Thanks to our incredible donors, we’ve reached the COPHS Dean’s Matching Challenge goal! With Dean Soltis’ $2,500 match, your generosity has doubled the impact—providing even more essential support for COPHS students and faculty.
$2,500 MATCHED
Bulldog Club Challenge
Challenge conquered! Thanks to your incredible generosity, we have unlocked $5,000 for the Bulldog Club to support our student-athletes in the classroom and in competition. A huge thank you to Nick '87 and Kim '88, MS '98, Cert '21 Kile for making this possible.
100 / 100 Gifts
CCOM Experiential Learning Fund Challenge EXTENSION
Extension completed! Thanks to your support and the generoristy of Emerita Faculty, Dr. Rose Campbell, we have unlocked another $2,500 to support experiential learning opportunities through CCOM. Thank you for making an impact in the lives of our bulldogs!
20 / 20 Gifts
Make your mark! Good Dawgs give back!
We did it Dawgs! Thanks to your generosity we were able to unlock $100,000 towards student scholarships. Thank you to Ken Massaroni '83 and Lori Ziemba '82 for helping to fund this challenge.
1,855 / 1,855 Gifts
Women's Basketball Challenge
We hit the game-winner! Thanks to your incredible support we have reached our goal of 40 gifts, unlocking an additional $10,000. A huge thank you to Nacy Lawton and everyone who made an impact!
40 / 40 Gifts
Challenge to Support Student Mental Health
We did it! Thanks to your generosity and commitment to student well-being, 50 gifts were made to the Fund to Support Student Mental Health to unlock a $10,000 gift to further enhance mental health initiatives!
Endowed Student Scholarship Challenge
Goal achieved! Thanks to your generosity, we have reached our goal of 25 gifts to the Trombley Family Scholarship, unlocking an additional $7,500 for future students. Thank you to members of the Trombley Family for making this challenge possible.
Homerun Challenge
Home Run! We Did It! Thanks to our amazing supporters, we hit our goal—15 gifts unlocked the $2,500 donation for Butler Baseball! Your generosity makes a lasting impact on our student-athletes. Thank you for stepping up to the plate!
15 / 15 Gifts
Athletics Leaderboard Challenge
What a win! Because of your generosity the Cross Country/Track team has won an additional $5,000. A special thanks to the generosity of Keith (MBA '90) and Tina Burks for making this challenge possible.
Rank Prize Team Gifts
1 $5,000 Cross Country/Track 283
2 Men's Tennis 182
3 Cheer and Mascot Fund 171
4 Football 48
5 Women's Basketball 46
Graduating Class Leaderboard
See which Butler graduating class will have the highest participation on Day of Giving!
Preferred Class Year
Rank Answer Donors
1 2014 19
2 2024 19
3 1990 17
4 2009 15
5 2002 15
6 2017 15
7 2013 15
8 2008 14
9 1988 14
10 1993 13
11 2005 13
12 2021 12
13 2022 11
14 2016 11
15 1997 11
80 for 80
Thanks to your generosity, we've honored Dr. William W. Neher and Dr. David H. Waite in a meaningful way—supporting the David H. and Virginia M. Waite Scholarship and the Digital Communication, Ethics, and Democracy Gift Fund in celebration of their 80th birthdays! Your gifts help continue their incredible legacy, providing opportunities for CCOM students and faculty for years to come.
LAS Dean's Fund Matching Challenge
Your impact has been doubled! Thanks to the generosity of Kathy Martin Harrison and Mark Harrison, we have unlocked $5,000 towards the LAS Dean's Priority Needs Fund.
$5,000 MATCHED
Family Council Challenge
Challenge met! Because of your generosity, we have unlocked an additional $2,500 for the VP of Student Affairs Priority Needs Fund. A huge thank you to Glen Danahey for making this opportunity possible!
CCOM Participation Challenge
Thanks to the incredible support of our CCOM family, we have met our challenge! With over 350 gifts on Day of Giving, we unlocked $10,000 in support of the College of Communication and its programs.
350 / 350 Gifts
CCOM Experiential Learning Fund Challenge
Bulldogs, you made it happen! With over 25 gifts to the CCOM Experiential Learning Fund, we unlocked $2,500 in support of our students. We are extremely grateful to CCOM grad Ramonna Robinson '93 for making this possible.
25 / 25 Gifts
Founder's College Challenge
Challenge completed! With your support of over 50 gifts, we were able to unlock $25,000 to enhance resources and opportunities for students pursuing two-year associate degrees. Thank you to Bob and Kathi Postlethwait for making this challenge possible.
50 / 50 Gifts
LAS Faculty/Staff Challenge
We did it! Thanks to the generosity of 100+ LAS faculty and staff, we have unlocked $2,500 for the LAS Dean’s Priority Needs Fund. A special thank you to Dean Howard for inspring this challenge and to every faculty member who participated.
LAS Dean's Fund Matching Challenge EXTENSION
Bulldogs, you did it again! From your generosity of 50 additional gifts, you have unlocked another $5,000 in support!
Efroymson Diversity Center Challenge
Goal achieved! Thanks to your incredible support, 20 gifts were made to the Efroymson Diversity Center unlocking a $5,000 gift to enhance its program and impact!
20 / 20 Gifts
Touchdown Challenge
TOUCHDOWN! Because of your generosity, we have achieved our goal of 30 gifts to unlock $2,500 for Butler Football! Thank you for helping us achieve our goal! Go Dawgs!
30 / 30 Gifts
College of Education Dean's Priority Needs Fund Challenge
We did it! Thanks to your incredible support, we have unlocked $2,500 towards the COE Dean's Priority Needs Fund! A special thank you to Brittany Purvis for making this possible!
$8,000 / $8,000 Raised
Campus Leaderboard Challenge
See which areas of campus are excelling on Butler Day of Giving!
Rank Area of Campus Gifts
1 Athletics 1,082
2 College of Communication 347
3 Lacy School of Business 262
4 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 150
5 Butler Blue IV 122
See who supports Butler!
Which Butler University affiliates are making the largest impact on Day of Giving?
Relationship to Butler
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumnus/a 625
2 Friend 551
3 Faculty/Staff 400
4 Current or Past Parent 358
5 Student 238
Irwin Fountain Jumping Challenge
Mark your calendars, Bulldogs - we're going fountain hopping! Thanks to the generosity of the Butler community, we reached 50 gifts on Day of Giving, unlocking a safe fountain hopping event ahead of Commencement Weekend in May for the Class of 2025.